Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Zoom University, The Internet
Zoom University, The Internet
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Hello and welcome to my little corner of the Internet. Thank you for your interest.
I am a Ph.D. Candidate studying Anthropology and Education at Teachers College, Columbia University. My scholarship has been supported by the Doctoral Research Fellowship from the Department of International and Transcultural Studies, the Anthropology Research Fund in Honor of Lambros Comitas, the Teachers College Provost's Dissertation Research Award, and most recently the Klingenstein Center Dissertation Fellowship for Research in Independent & International Education.
In addition to these awards, I am an inaugural scholar of the Teachers College Doctoral Research Collective for the Study of Race and Ethnicity sponsored by the Office for Diversity and Community Affairs. I hold a M.A. in Teaching from Johns Hopkins University School of Education, a M.Phil in Anthropology and Education from Teachers College, Columbia University and a B.A. in American Studies with a focus on race and ethnicity from Georgetown University where I completed a documentary film thesis.
My broad academic interests include Civic Education, Educational Anthropology, Media Studies, Critical Pedagogy, Political Anthropology, Race and Ethnic Studies, American Studies, and the contemporary United States. I am interested in how multilingual families, youth and children interact with the educational experiences, including, but not limited to schooling. In particular, I am interested in the dynamics between children, technology, and media. I'm curious about how this all contributions to a sense of cultural citizenship. Finally, I am dedicated to the principles of public scholarship and enjoy designing research that is multimodal and participatory.
In my professional community at Columbia University, I have served as the Secretary of the Association of Educational Anthropology, Co-chair of the Student-Parent Group, and a member of the Multimodal Project Group at the Media and Social Change Lab.
My professional vision is to collaborate with and serve children, youth, families, and teachers in an effort to contribute towards the continuous improvement of an equitable, just, and democratic society.
I welcome connection and collaboration; let's be in touch!